Life is positioned in two things. All of them should be picked. And when the two creeps on us and decide something, we simply can not avoid from it even escape from the destiny. I believe in destiny. For me, destiny is like a decision maker!. 'though we struggle a lot and fully work all day, but if ... when the destiny decides that we will lose, who can handle it over. To motivate, we usually say that that's one of our experience in life. It doesn't matter if it happens to us. Just lead on and try without frustrating.
Talking about WIN or LOSE can not escape from the destiny. It is impossible to win always without losing. Even there will be any chances to lose forever. Win and Lose is like two sword with twin eyes. Each of them must be experienced by all human kinds.
What Now?
To reduce our dissapointment from Losing, we can take time to read some books in the library, go on a holiday or do something that we did a long time ago. Killing time by following some tips and tricks to relax sometimes waste our time, energy and money. Are you with me?
This could be compared to old men who don't have much time to share and to participate to social organization even to small party of their own house, like ... grandchildren's birthday party, etc. Just lead on this life and take whatever comes on over. Don't act over! Because this will adhere in our mind till we are old.
Feeling regretful to what we've done like losing from something will reduce our energy and we will be brought into an earth which is full of boring....
When we win, just relax. Wanna have a party!? Just do it! But do all things properly! Remember! don't act over .. I mean you shouldn't overact to whatever happen in our life. No one says we are ancient creature when we do not do what mostly people do.
For Win or Lose, people wanna let themselves die for unuseful honor ... Think it deeply and consider everything around you then decide; Is it good for me and for my family or not?
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