Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Arisan As Business Alternatives Method

Feeling bored of Multi-level marketing business? Saving club (Arisan) business can be an alternative for your new business. Arisan is  regular social gathering whose members contribute to and take turns at winning an aggregate sum of money. This business is very uniquee and most of people loves to take part in this club. That is because they do not have to pay some money in advanced (Payment in Advanced) to buy a product. They also do not need to give a guaranteed obligation or valuable thing to the management. This business is very simple to run. However, when the saving club has a big numbers of members the business goes complicated and needs intensively managed and organized. When we see the saving club at a glance, we will find that it looks like a multi-level marketing. That is because we need a network (member) to expand this business. So, How to start this business will be discussed below.

Firstly, you should have a product to sell and it assure you to run the business and obtain the profit. Besides, the product is required by many people around you or in one regency. To make it more concretely in description, let me take a sample, say, A Motorcyle is the product.

Study this following Illustration!

People who wants to buy a motorcycle in the saving club must register themselves to be a member of the saving club. And then, they have to pay for the member fees say US$ 25.00.- After that they must pay their money US$ 150 in a month till the max payment decided by the management reached. When the LOT drawed and one member wins the lot, she or he gets the product but still pay in a month till the max payment reached.

Besides, the Management announces that they (member) also can get the products in an auction ceremony instead of Drawing lot ceremony. This will take two or four products auctioned. To take part in this auction, the member have to pay the Guaranteed Money which paid in advanced and the amount of the payment in advanced of the auction is decided by the management.

Here, the management have to be able to calculate the profit sources.

a) Registration Fee
b) Guaranteed Money in Auction
c) Profit procentages in a month
d) others.

The benefit for customers (members) are:

a) No payment in advanced
b) No guaranteed or valuable things in Advanced
c) Cheap payment in a month
d) Auction
e) Drawing LOT
f) Flexible in payment
g) No complicated process

If you want to have a big business, start from now!
Taken from that had been deleted.


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